Cuke deluge

It's really my own fault as I was the one who bought the 20 pounds of pickling cucumbers in the first place.  Turns out 20 pounds is quite a few cucumbers.  And unless you are up for pickling them whole in a very large container, it's a lot of work to slice and dice that many cukes.

Lucky for me, my friend Sarah who is currently enjoying a life of leisure stepped in to rescue me and has taken eight pounds off my hands after also helping me turn six pounds into my favorite bread and butter pickles.  I'm well on my way.

Still to do . . . dill pickle relish (anyone have a good recipe for this?) and Indonesian quick pickles and kosher dills from my new favorite preserving book, Canning for a New Generation, by Liana Krissoff who writes great stuff here as well.  Then it's on to dilly beans.  Did I mention I'm doing green beans too?  Those will be fast and easy.  Well, not sure how fast any of this will be given the 19-month-old running about the house.  At least he likes to help.


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